Web Developer

Hi! I'm Jack. I am a Front End Developer living in London.
I like to solve problems.

What I do and how I do it.

I'm Jack Mills, a Front End Developer.

It was over 10 years ago that I used my first computer and started to create things. Today I am building websites, web applications and software solutions for myself and others!

I've always been attracted to the process of problem solving and development and I love the creative methods of design. I enjoy every aspect of my work.

I would love to be part of what you're creating!
Send me an email.

My Skills

Front End Technologies:

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript/ES6, jQuery/AJAX, React, Redux, CoffeeScript

Back End Technologies:

Node.js, WordPress, C# .NET, MySQL

Software and other Technologies:

Python, Bash, Linux, Webpack, Babel

Other Skills:

Graphic Design, Photoshop/Adobe CS, Responsive Design, UI and UX, Agile

Current Projects

Here are some things I'm working on now:

  • Converting this site to use webpack/react
  • Learning typescript
  • Following the #JavaScript30 challenge
  • Building client websites

Here are some projects I have worked on.

Click on the images to be taken to the relevant pages!

Ubersicht BetterBar

A widget made for MacOS built on Ubersicht

(JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Python, JSON, Bash)

LadBot The Discord Bot

Discord Chat Bot built with discord.js

(JavaScript, Node.js/npm, Dicord.js, JSON)

This Website

A website to showcase my projects and skills

(HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap)

Javascript30 Projects

My submissions for the Javascript30 Challenge

(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Platformer Video Game

A game I coded in GameMaker

(GameMaker Language)

Bored of Beans

Website created for a client for students

(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, Bootstrap)

Get in touch.

You can reach me at:
